Ellie gets Groomed at 13.5 Years Old

13 1/2 year old Ellie. She’s the mommy of very special well rounded Champions such as Que, Dream, and Mirror… I just chased her around the kitchen with Scissors, dremel tool and brushes. She so happy that I am finally leaving her alone! Lol… pure torture!

“Ellie” UAG1, UKC CH Faithwalk’s Bold Elegance NAJ Son: “Que” UCD, UAG2 , UAG1, URO1, URO3, URO2, AKC CH, ASCA CH, UKC GrCH Lk Michigan’s Bold Masquerade AKC NA NAJ ASCA BN CD RNX RAX RE RM GS-N GS-O RS-N JS-N NA HIT Daughters: “Dream” AKC/UKC CH Lk Michigan’s Dreams Come True“Mirror”UAG1 URO1 AKC GCH CH ASCA CH UKC GrCH Lk Michigan’s Bold Reflection, AKC CGC NA NAJ HSAs RN RA, ASCA RN RNX RA RAX RE JS-N STDd STDs